Preserving the Anthropological Record
Second Edition
Edited by Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo
Copyright © 1995 by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.
Sydel Silverman
Institutional Resources
The National Anthropological Archives
Mary Elizabeth Ruwell
The Melanesian Archive
Donald Tuzin
The Role of Museums
Thomas H. Wilson and Nancy J. Parezo
Discipline History Centers in the Sciences
Joan Warnow-Blewett
The Preservation and Use of Cultural Materials
Ethical Considerations
Catherine Fowler
Documenting Disciplinary History
Regna Darnell
The Uses of Ethnographic Records
Shepard Krech III and William C. Sturtevant
Preservation Issues in the Fields of Anthropology
The Records of Archaeology
Don D. Fowler and Douglas R. Givens
The Records of Biological Anthropology
Michael A. Little, Jane A. Buikstra and Frank Spencer
The Records of Medical Anthropology
Sue E. Estroff
The Records of Applied Anthropology
John van Willigen
The Records of American Indian Linguistics
Victor Golla
Guidelines and Strategies
Saving the Past: Guidelines for Individuals
Nancy J. Parezo and Ruth J. Person
Preserving Organizational Records
Sydel Silverman, Lucy M. Cohen, Eluned Schweitzer and Natalie F.S. Woodbury
The Physical Preservation of Anthropological Records
The Potentials and Problems of Computers
Robert V. Kemper
Future Prospects
Don D. Fowler and Nancy J. Parezo
References Cited