Guide to Anthropological Fieldnotes
and Manuscripts in Archival Repositories
[Part 3]
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MacCormack, Carol P.
Melville Herskovits Library, Northwestern University
MacCurdy, George Grant, 1863-1947
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
MacDonald, George F., 1938-
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives Collection
MacGregor, Gordon, 1902-1948
Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
MacNeish, Richard Stockton, 1918-2001
Robert S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology at Phillips Academy
Mair, Lucy Philip, 1901-1986
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives
Malinowski, Bronislaw (Bronislaw Kaspel), 1884-1942
Anthropology Archives, South Australian Museum
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library
Mallam, R. Clark, d. 1986
Luther College
Mallart Guimerà, Lluís, 1932-
Bibliothèque Eric-de-Dampierre, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie
Maison René-Ginouvès, Université Paris X Nanterre
Mandelbaum, David G. (David Goodman), 1911-1987
American Museum of Natural History
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Marrett, Robert Ranulph, 1866-1943
Pitt Rivers Museum Photographic and Manuscript Collections, Oxford Uiversity
Marsh, Othniel Charles, 1831-1899
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University Library
Marshall, Donald S., 1919-2005
Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii
Martin, Paul Sidney, 1899-1974
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois
Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967
American Philosophical Society Library
University of Pennsylvania Museum Archives
Mason, Otis Tufton, 1838-1908
Manuscripts Dept., Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Smithsonian Institution Archives
Mathews, Hubert Frank, 1885-1964
Rhodes House Library, Bodleian Library, Oxford University [Microfilm:
Mathews, Robert Hamilton, 1841-1918
Australian Museum
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Matson, Daniel
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Matthews, Z. K. (Zachariah Keodirelang), 1901-1968
Stirling Memorial Library, Yale University [Microform]
Mayer, Albert
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
McClellan, Catherine, 1921-2009
American Philosophical Society Library
McConnel, Ursula Hope, 1888-1957
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
State Records of South Australia
McCown, Theodore D. (Theodore Doney), 1908-1969
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
McGee, Anita Newcomb, 1864-1940
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
McGee, W J (William John), 1853-1912
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
McKennan, Robert Addison, 1903-
Dartmouth College Library
McQuown, Norman Anthony, 1914-
American Philosophical Society Library
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
Merriam, Alan P. (Alan Parkhurst), 1923-1980
Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloominton, Indiana
Merriam, Clinton Hart, 1855-1942
Academy of Natural Sciences of Phildelphia, Ewell Sale Stewart Library
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
Metcalf, George
Luther College, Decorah, Iowa
Alfred, 1902-1963
La bibliothèque du Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, L'École
des hautes études en sciences sociales, Collège de France and CNRS
Mills, A. C.
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives Collection
Mills, James Philip, b. 1890
School of Oriental and African Studies, Archives & Manuscripts Division
Molet, Louis, 1915-
Bibliothèque Eric-de-Dampierre, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie
Maison René-Ginouvès, Université Paris X Nanterre
Montagu, Ashley, 1905-1999
American Philosophical Society
Manuscript Collections, Bird Library, Syracuse University
Moore, Clarence B. (Clarence Bloomfield), 1852-1936
Huntington Free Library and Reading Room, Bronx, NY
Moore, Wal E.
Australian Museum
Moorehead, Warren King
Denison University Archives, Granville, Ohio
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 1818-1881
University of Rochester Library, Rochester, New York
Morley, Sylvanus Griswold, 1883-1948
American Philosophical Society Library
Laboratory of Anthropology, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Museum
of New Mexico
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Morris, Earl Halstead, 1889-1956
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851
American Philosophical Society Library
Mountford, Charles P. (Charles Pearcy), 1890-1977
National Gallery of Australia
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
Murie, James R., 1862-1921
American Museum of Natural History
Nadel, Siegfried, 1903-1956
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
Nash, Philleo, 1909-1987
Harry S Truman Library, Independence, Missouri
Neel, James V., 1915-2000
American Philosophical Society Library
Texas Medical Center Library, Houston
Nelson, Nels C. (Nels Christian), 1875-1964
American Museum of Natural History
Newcombe, Charles F., 1851-1924
American Museum of Natural History
Nicollet, Joseph N., 1786-1843
American Museum of Natural History
Norwood, Hugh
University of California, San Diego
Nurge, Ethel D.
Southeast Asia Special Collection, Northern Illinois University
Nusbaum, Jesse L. (Jesse Logan), 1887-1980
Museum of New Mexico Library
National Park Service History Collection, Harpers Ferry Center, West Virginia
Nuttall, Zelia (Zelia Maria Magdalena), 1857-1933
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Obrebski, Josef and Tamara
Special Collections and Archives, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Olbrechts, Frans M., 1899-1959
American Philosophical Society Library
Oliver, Douglas L., 1913-
Anthropology Archives, South Australian Museum
Olsen, Ronald L., 1895-1979
American Museum of Natural History
O'Neale, Lila M. (Lila Morris), 1886-1948
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
O'Neill, George C.
Department of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History
Archives of the University of Wyoming, Laramie
Oram, N.D. (Nigel Denis)
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Orr, Kenneth G.
Illinois State Museum
John F. Kennedy Library (Halpern Papers)
University of Chicago Special Collections Research Center
Orr, Phil
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935
American Museum of Natural History
Osgood, Cornelius, 1905-1985
Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library
Ottenberg, Simon
Elliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, National Museum of African Art
Ethnomusicology Archives, University of Washington
Michigan State University Archives
Page, Donald William, 1884-1958
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Robert, 1927-
La bibliothèque du Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, L'École
des hautes études en sciences sociales, Collège de France and CNRS
Painter, Murial Thayer, d.1975?
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Palmer, Edward, 1831-1911
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Parkhouse, Thomas Anstey, 1858-1935
Anthropology Archives, South Australian Museum
Parsell, Alfred
Mendocino County Museum, Willits, California
Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1875-1941
American Philosophical Society Library
Oral History Research Office, Columbia University, New York
Rye Historical Society, New York
Paulme, Denise, 1909-1998
Bibliothèque Eric-de-Dampierre, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie
Maison René-Ginouvès, Université Paris X Nanterre
Pearl, Raymond, 1879-1940
American Philosophical Society Library
Pearsall, Marion, 1923-1984
Archives Department, University of Kentucky Libraries
Pepper, George Hubbard, 1866-1923
Latin American Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Perlman, Melvin Lee, 1933-1988
School of Oriental and African Studies, Archives & Manuscripts Division
Peron, C.F.
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Peterson, Frederick A., 1920-
Center for Southwest Research, General Library, University of New Mexico
Petter, Rodolphe Charles, 1865-1947
Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College
Pickens, John K.
Alexandria Public Library, Alexandria, Virgina
Pickford, A.E.
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Pierson, Donald, 1900-1995
Special Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Pilling, James Constantine, 1846-1895
John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island
Pink, Olive Muriel, 1884-1975
Anthropology Archives, South Australian Museum
Pitt-Rivers, Julian Alfred, 1919-2001
Bibliothèque Eric-de-Dampierre, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie
Maison René-Ginouvès, Université Paris X Nanterre
Plotnicov, Leonard
Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, California
Jean, 1916-2002
La bibliothèque du Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, L'École
des hautes études en sciences sociales, Collège de France and CNRS
Potocki, Count Jan, 1761-1815
American Philosophical Society Library
Pradelles de Latour, Charles-Henry, 1938-
La bibliothèque du Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, L'École
des hautes études en sciences sociales, Collège de France and CNRS
Pretty, Graeme Lloyd
National Gallery of Australia
Proskouriakoff, Taniia, 1909-1985
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Pulleine, R. H. (Robert Henry)
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
Putnam, F.W. (Frederick W.), 1839-1915
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Pyle, Sarah Idell, 1895-1987
Bolton-Brush Growth Center, Case Western Reserve University
Quinn, Eugene Frederick, 1935-
Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, California
Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. (Alfred Reginald), 1880-1955
University Archives, University of Sydney
Radin, Paul, 1883-1959
American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
American Philosophical Society
Japanese American National Museum, Hirasaki National Resource Center,
Marquette University Special Collections and University Archives
Social Science Institute, Fisk University
of California, Los Angeles
Rainey, Froelich, 1907-1992
American Museum of Natural History
Rappaport, Roy Abraham, 1926-1997
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
Melanesian Archive, University of California, San Diego
Rattray, Robert Sutherland, 1881-1938
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Rauh, James Hulse
Tulane University, Latin American Library
Read, Margaret, 1889-1991
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
Reay, Marie Olive
University of Sydney, University Archives
Reynolds, Barrie
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives Collection
Redfield, Margaret Park
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
Redfield, Robert, 1897-1958
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
Reed, Erik Kellerman, 1914-
Museum of New Mexico Library
Reichard, Gladys (Gladys Amanda), 1893-1955
Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona
Reining, Priscilla, 1923-2007
American Association for the Advancement of Science Archives
Reynolds, Elmer R., 1846-1907
Pennsylvania State Archives
Richards, Audrey Isabel, 1899-1984
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
Ridington, William Robin
University of British Columbia Archives
Ringle, William Frank, 1933-1984
Bowling Green State University
Ritter, John T.
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives Collection
Roberts, Frank H.H. (Frank Harold Hanna), Jr., 1897-1966
Archaeological Institute, Columbia, South Carolina
Robeson, Eslanda Goode, 1896-1965
Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library
[See Paul Robeson Collections]
Rodnick, David, 1908-1980
American Museum of Natural History
Rogers, David Banks
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Róheim, Géza, 1891-1953
Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San
Hillman Library Microforms Collection, University of Pittsburgh
Romero, Javier, 1910-1986
American Museum of Natural History
Roth, G. K. (George Kingsley), 1903-1960
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Roux, Louis Gabriel
Bibliothèque Eric-de-Dampierre, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie
Maison René-Ginouvès, Université Paris X Nanterre
Rowe, Alan
Anthropology Archives, South Australian Museum
Rubin, Vera (Vera Dourmashkin), 1911-1985
Research Institute for the Study of Man, New York
Rumsey, Alan
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Sagant, Philippe
Bibliothèque Eric-de-Dampierre, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie
Maison René-Ginouvès, Université Paris X Nanterre
Sahlins, Marshall D. (Marshall David), 1930-
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
Salamone, Frank A.
Hoover Institution Archives
Salzmann, Zdenek
University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center
Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939
American Philosophical Society Library
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Department of Special Collections, University
of Chicago
Saville, Marshall Howard, 1867-1935
American Museum of Natural History
National Museum of the American Indian Archives
Sayles, E.B. (Edwin Booth), 1892-1977
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Schaeffer, Claude E., 1901-1969
American Museum of Natural History
Schaeffer, Claudia
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Schapera, Isaac, 1905-2003
Botswana National Archives
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
London School of Economics
University of Botswana
University of Cape Town
Scheffler, Harold W. (Harold Walter), 1932-
University of California, San Diego
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
Schroeder, Albert H.
New Mexico State Library
Schuller, Rodolfo R., 1873-1932
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
Schultz, Adolph H., 1891-1976
Anthropological Institute and Museum, University of Zurich-Irchel
Lucien, 1934-65
La bibliothèque du Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, L'École
des hautes études en sciences sociales, Collège de France and CNRS
Sedgwick, Charles Peter, 1941-
University of Victoria Archives and Special Collections
Seler, Eduard, 1849-1922
University of California, Los Angeles
Seligman, Brenda Zara, 1883-1965
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
Seligman, Charles Gabriel, 1873-1940
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives, London
Setzler, Frank M. (Frank Maryl), 1902-1975
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990
American Museum of Natural History
Sheddick, Vernon George John
British Library of Political and Economic Science Archives
Shepard, Anna O. (Anna Osler), 1903-1973
University of Colorado Museum
Shimkin, Demitri Boris, 1916-1992
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University Archives
Siebert, Frank T., Jr., 1912-1997
American Philosophical Society Library
Siegel, Bernard Joseph, 1913-
Special Collections, Stanford University Archives
Simeon, George
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives Collection
Simmons, James W.
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Simons, Elwyn L., 1930-
Section of Fossil Primates, Duke University Primate Center
Simpson, George Eaton, 1904-1998
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library
Sims, Ian
Australian Museum
Singer, Ernestine H. Wieder
American Philosophical Society Library
Skinner, Alanson, 1886-1925
American Museum of Natural History
Skinner, Elliott Percival, 1924-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New
York Public Library
Slotkin, James S. (James Sydney), 1913-1958
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
Smith, Dana P. (Dana Porter), 1866-1946
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
Smith, G. Hubert, 1908-
Minnesota Historical Society
Smith, Grafton Elliot, 1871-1937
Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science
University of Sydney, University Archives
Smith, Harlan I., 1872-1940
American Museum of Natural History
Smith, W. Ramsay (William Ramsay), 1859-1937
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
Smith, William Neil, 1920-
University of Arizona
Smythe, Hugh H. (Hugh Heyne), 1913-1977
Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History
Snodgrasse, Richard M.
American Museum of Natural History
Solheim, Wilhelm Gerhard
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
Sontag, Lester W., 1901-1991
Wright State University
Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
Archives of Traditional Music, Indiana University
American Philosophical Society Library
Spencer, Sir Walter Baldwin, 1860-1929
Dixson Library, State Library of New South Wales
State Library of Victoria, La Trobe Library, Australian Manuscripts Collection
Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
Museum of Victoria
National Herbarium, Melbourne
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Department of Western Manuscripts
Pitt Rivers Museum Photographic and Manuscript Collections, Oxford Uiversity
Spicer, Edward H. (Edward Holland), 1906-1983
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Spicer, Rosamond
Arizona State Museum Archives, University of Arizona
Spier, Anna Hadwick Gayton, b. 1899
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Spier, Leslie, 1893-1961
American Museum of Natural History
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Spinden, Herbert J., 1879-1967
American Museum of Natural History
Spindler, George Dearborn
Special Collections, Stanford University Archives
Spindler, Louise S.
Special Collections, Stanford University Archives
Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888
Indiana Historical Society
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
Miami University
Stanner, W. E. H. (William Edward Hanley), 1905-1981
National Library of Australia, Manuscript Section
Starr, Frederick, 1958-1933
Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
University of California, Los Angeles
Steed, Gitel Poznanski, 1914-1977
Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago
Steffansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962
American Museum of Natural History
Steggerda, Morris, 1900-1950
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Steiner, Franz Baerman, 1909-1952
Special Collections and Archives, State University of New York at Albany
Stephen, Alexander MacGregor, d. 1894
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Stevenson, James, 1840-1888
Museum of New Mexico Library
Steward, Julian Haynes, 1902-1972
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University Archives
Stewart, Omer C., 1908-
Special Collections, University of Colorado at Boulder
Stimson, J. Frank, 1883-1958
American Musuem of Natural History
Stirling, Edward Charles, 1848-1919
Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
Private hands (Roberston, D.S.)
Anthropology Archives, South Australian Museum
Stirling, Paul, 1920-1998
Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent at Canterbury
Strehlow, T. G. H. (Theodor George Henry), 1908-1978
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
Strehlow Research Centre
Strickon, Arnold, d. 1997
State Historical Society of Wisconsin Archives
Strong, William Duncan, 1899-1962
Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois
Suggs, Robert Carl, 1932-
American Museum of Natural History
Suk, V.
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
Sutton, Peter, 1946-
South Australian Museum, Anthropology Archives
Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967
American Philosophical Society Library
Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958
American Philosophical Society Library
Szabo, Laszlo
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives Collection
University of Florida
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