CoPAR Bulletins
Council for the Preservation of Anthropological Records
Dedicated to helping anthropologists,
librarians, archivists,
information specialists and others preserve and provide access to the
records of human diversity and the history of the discipline. |
1. Why Preserve Anthropological Records?
Sydel Silverman
2. Taking Stock of Your Records Michael A.
3. Easy Steps for Preserving Your Anthropological Records
Mary Elizabeth Ruwell
4. Finding a Home for Your Records Lynne M.
5. Organizing and Transferring Records Ruth J.
6. Appointing a Literary Executor Thomas H.
7. Saving Association Records Nancy J. Parezo
8. The Special Nature of Linguistic Records
Victor Golla
9. Some Ethical Issues to Consider When Depositing Your
Records Catherine S. Fowler
and Steven J. Crum
10. Ethical Use of Anthropological Records Catherine S. Fowler and Steven J. Crum
11. Locating Archival Quality Materials
Mary Elizabeth Ruwell
12. Basic
Steps in Preservation of Photographs Willow Roberts Powers
13. Preserving Audio-Visual Materials on
Magnetic Tape Willow Roberts Powers
14. Creating Records That Will Last
Willow Roberts Powers
for the Preservation of Anthropological Records